
Take a step towards sustainable development.

Cogeneration – what is it?

Cogeneration is a technological process that significantly improves the energy efficiency of a given enterprise. Called a combined process, it enables the simultaneous production of electricity and heat. This combined production is up to 70% more efficient than separate, conventional production. Investing in cogeneration is an excellent solution for industrial plants that want to reduce energy expenditures and minimize their carbon footprint.

Where does the greater efficiency of cogeneration come from? How does cogeneration work?

Simultaneous production of heat and electricity in one process is much more effective. This is primarily due to the possibility of recovering and reusing energy generated in combustion processes. The efficiency of cogeneration is the fact that instead of spreading heat into the environment (as waste), it can be processed and reused.

Industrial cogeneration – what fuel for cogeneration

The cogeneration process may be associated primarily with the burning of natural gas to produce electricity and heat. In the current political and economic situation, entities developing projects based on natural gas may face many challenges. Therefore, it is worth noting that the cogeneration process, depending on what is the optimal solution taking into account the individual situation of a given industrial plant, allows, in addition to natural gas, to use, among others, biogas, biomass or post-mining methane.

Cogeneration – for whom?

Investing in a cogeneration system is an excellent solution for industrial plants that want to reduce energy expenditures and minimize their carbon footprint.

High-efficiency cogeneration is the solution for you if:

  • you use at least 10,000 GJ of heat
  • your electricity demand exceeds 500 kW for most of the year
  • you care about energy security and do not want to rely only on external suppliers

Why should you consider cogeneration?


Rising electricity prices and the need to meet environmental standards encourage entrepreneurs to be more and more active in their search for savings related to running their business. When generating electricity and heat in a conventional way, a large part of the energy is wasted, the share of losses often exceeds 60% of the energy transformed in the fuel. High-efficiency cogeneration allows you to avoid most of these energy losses, contributing not only to increasing the energy efficiency of the company, but also to reducing its negative impact on the environment - combined production allows you to eliminate the burning of additional fuel, thereby reducing CO2 emissions and pollutants.

What will you gain from cogeneration?

  • Savings: you will reduce the costs associated with purchasing electricity and heat. You will notice the results immediately, and the entire investment will pay off in about 5 years ahead. 
  • Security: you will increase cost stability and increase the efficiency of electricity and heat supplies.
  • Ecological solution: you will use fuels more efficiently, which will result in less CO2 entering the atmosphere.
  • Heat source: you will gain gas cogeneration, which serves as a local heat source.
  • Subcharges: from 2019, there are two support mechanisms available that you can use:
    • < 1 MWe: guaranteed bonus – continuous recruitment,
    • ≥ 1 MWe: auction system – auctions conducted every quarter. 

How is a cogeneration system implemented?

Implementing a cogeneration system in an enterprise is a relatively simple process, requiring minimal interference in the existing infrastructure. Thanks to a plug and play approach, industrial cogeneration can be quickly integrated into a plant's existing energy system, offering the flexibility to operate for its own needs or the ability to sell surplus energy to the grid.

Take a step towards sustainable development. 

Contact our expert today to find out if industrial cogeneration is a good solution for your company.

Dalkia Polska Solutions: integrated energy solutions.

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Dalkia Polska Solutions - in 20 years of market presence the company has completed over 2000 projects in Poland and abroad.

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