Biomass boilers

Economic efficiency and ecological responsibility.
Biomass boilers are currently the most popular and the simplest decarbonization solution for customers with high demand for steam and hot water. They operate by burning biomass - fuel derived from plant remains. Its most popular types are wood chips and pellets, i.e. cylindrical granules made of wood and straw, with a diameter of 6 to 10 mm and a length of 10 to 30 mm.

How does a biomass boiler work?

Biomass boilers allow for the ecological burning of solid biofuel, most often in the form of high-quality wood pellets, eco-pea coal, wood chips or cheaper substitutes derived from biological waste, such as straw, seeds or grass. A special fireclay insert ensures effective combustion in the furnace. Due to the higher temperature, pyrolysis occurs and moisture is removed from the burned biomass. Biomass boilers are an ideal solution where a large amount of fuel is available.

Is a biomass stove ecological?

Biomass boilers are used to produce the heat necessary for rooms heating and domestic hot water. They are considered one of the most ecological solutions, they significantly reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, and the amount of ash from biomass combustion is approximately 2%, which can be successfully used as a natural fertilizer. Due to the low environmental impact and zero CO2 emission balance, biomass technologies are treated as renewable energy sources.

Are biomass boilers a solution for you?

Biomass boilers are perfect wherever large amounts of uncontaminated production waste that can be biodegraded are available.

Who will benefit from such a solution?

  • Woodworking plants – high boiler power (up to 20 MW) is ideally suited to the needs of the wood industry
  • Manufacturing companies – companies that generate biodegradable waste can significantly reduce their operating costs and carbon footprint.
  • Thermal energy companies with local biomass resources.

Ane reasons why you should consider a biomass boiler?

Ecological Combustion

High-power biomass boilers allow the burning of a wide range of solid biofuels. They minimize the emission of harmful substances and, as a result, produce mainly water vapor that is neutral to the atmosphere. This makes them one of the cleanest heating solutions available on the market  currently. 

Technology tailored to your needs

We offer biomass boilers with various specifications, tailored to the needs of your company. The solutions we suggest include:

  • water boiler or steam boiler
  • fire-tube or water-tube boiler


  • Rated power from 200 to 50,000 kW
  • Efficiency  up to 68,000 kg/h of steam
  • Pressure: from 4 to 43 bar, depending on design needs
Savings and efficiency

Thanks to the use of modern technologies, biomass boilers are characterized by exceptionally high efficiency, exceeding 90%.

Simple boiler operation

Automatic fuel feeders and ash removal systems significantly make the operation  easier and minimize the required workload.

Use experienced and proven manufacturers!

The manufacturer of biomass boilers matters. By offering a solution based on high-power biomass boilers, Dalkia Polska Solutions benefits from cooperation with proven manufacturers, such as AGRO Forst & Energietechnik GmbH,Danstoker,Justsen Energiteknik A/S. 

Take a step towards sustainable development. 

Contact our expert today to find out which biomass boiler to choose for your company.

Dalkia Polska Solutions: integrated energy solutions.

Dalkia Polska Solutions

Dalkia Polska Solutions - in 20 years of market presence the company has completed over 2000 projects in Poland and abroad.

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